You don’t have to walk this road alone
a catholic companion and mentor in infertility
catholic infertility coaching
Are you ready to regain a sense of hope and control? To strengthen your marriage and revive your faith? No matter how long you’ve been trying to conceive, a coach can help you navigate this isolating journey.
Infertility and its far-reaching impacts on your health, relationships, finances, and faith can be draining and scary. If you feel alone or are just struggling with the challenges of infertility, then working with a mentor who truly knows what it’s like could be a major game changer for you.
My Story…
Hi, I’m Paula Gallagher. For 13 years, my husband and I have worked to uncover and heal the root causes of our infertility.
Through NaPro Technology, we found that I have hypothyroidism, PCOS, endometriosis, endometritis, and luteal phase defect. While we were able to reasonably resolve every issue, we never got pregnant or found an answer why, leaving us with an unexplained infertility diagnosis. My experience led me to establish a women’s infertility support group at my parish, as well as this coaching business where I use my hard earned wisdom to help others on the same path.
Are you ready to…
Feel seen, heard, and accompanied
Find individualized, sustainable ways to manage stress
Craft scripts to handle intrusive questions
Move from isolation toward community
Learn about grief and mourning
Learn how to share your experiences with family and friends
Grow in your ability to advocate for yourself
1:1 Coaching
Meet with me virtually for personalized emotional support and practical guidance tailored to your circumstances and needs.